Thursday, May 23, 2013

Dreaming up Hygieia

H   Y   G   I   E   I   A
Greek goddess of good health and well being
choreography / performance: Maxine Matilpi
costume design team: Carole Vosburg & Sara Burr
dramaturgy / direction: Kari Glass

coloured duct tape headdress prototype
single curly-cut-tunic
double layer curly-cut tunic
triple layer curly-cut tunic
Thank you :
Joy Nagle, Jean Driscoll Bell, Cormorant Island Theatrical players, Alert Bay Thrift Shop, Phil Imrie, Dee, Bill and Tray Sugdan, Vivien Douglas, Colleen Fitzsimmons, Virginia and Mike Davis, Pat Davis, Bob Vosburg, Wally and Jill Brant

Gustav Klimt 
ceiling painting
Detail of Hygieia 

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